Monday, December 27, 2010

Blizzard oh-ten .... ?

What is crack-a-lackin?

I know, I'll stop using awful puns and one-liners. But its so addicting!

Anyways ... this blizzard. For one, yes I did get snow. But no, its wasn't a blizzard. We got maybe two to three inches. For me, blizzard status is only given when you get over a foot. I mean, last night was kind of scary because the wind was swirling everything around so it LOOKED like we were getting boatloads of snow. Nope. Just a little. Still, I love it. I love the snow more than anything. Right now I'm just kinda looking at it. And now I feel awkward because I told invisable readers. Awesome.

Other updates ..... for the last few days, I've had one really cold hand and one warm/normal temperature hand. It is quite strange. I don't know what I should do. For a little while I wore some gloves (2 because wearing only one would piss me off) but that just made the warm hand warmer! So there is still a difference, its just more awkward with gloves! ACK.

btdubbs ... I am overly proud of myself for posting everyday this week so far. (SHUT UP! I KNOW IT'S MONDAY! I WAS REFERRING TO THE WEEKEND TOO.) Stay tuned in invisable readers for more tomorrow ....

(yes, I know you can. just kidding :P )

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Um, so two huge things just happened today. I mean, huge for me. All you peoples out there will prolly be like, oh, she needs help and/or a severs redefining of what 'exciting' is. (I'm sure most of the people who know would agree with the second choice)

NUMERO UNO: IT IS SNOWING! And not just pliddly-dink-it-looks-like-someone-with-dandruff-stuck-their-head-out-of-the-top-floor. It's REAL snow! Actually, its more like a REAL blizzard! If you can't tell, I love the snow and I've been said that it really hasn't snowed (is that a word?) for real near me. BUT TODAY IS A FLIPPIN BLIZZARD. I IS EXCITED. The last time I remember a huge snowstorm like this was about 4 years ago, right after I had some surgery done on my foot and couldn't really walk. So no sledding for me that year. :(

BUT NOW? As soon as it gets more that 2 inches of snow, I am out there. I don't even care that the drivers (if there are any) will judge me as the pass my house. WELL ITS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT! YOU SHOULDN'T BE DRIVING IN THIS WEATHER.

Yay :)

And the other big news (I did promise two things, didn't I?) is .... well, it's kind of creepy. I mean, I promised but ... fine. I guess I have to tell you. Stupid invisable peer pressure. So, I looked on my "Blog Stats" (because I'm a creep) and I noticed that my blog is becoming a bit international. I feel so awesome that people in other countries are reading my blog. I must make sure that my dear little blog doesn't go around a get a swelled head now. (I promise bloggie-poo, you are important, but not THAT special)

I lied, bloggie. You are special (to me at least). You had me at hello ....

Saturday, December 25, 2010


For all of you who have been living under a rock, it's Christmas .....

btdubbs ... I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

But this year feels weird. Christmas seems super early this year and it doesn't seem cold enough. Good thing I'm supposed to get snow tonight! :)

Oh, and yes, I did post twice in one day. The earlier post was actually done a few days ago when I was in an awful mood ... but you can prolly tell. I didn't want to leave that meaness on the interwebs on Christmas day, so I'm posting again.

Also, forgive any misspellings. (I know, usually my spelling is soooo awesome -- sarcasim) I'm pretty sure their is something wrong with my keyboard, or my hands just have a mind of their own. I'm not sure which one I'd rather have. For example, I was trying to talk to a friend the other day and I literally couldn't type. All that was coming out where random streams of uninteligable letters (I know, I spelled that wrong but I don't know how to spell that anyways). I'm sure part of that was because my hands were shaking, but the other part was because of my keyboard, I promise. I've tried to reread my post to catch anything, but I can't make any guarentees.

Back to Christmas. :)

SO. Even though I love Christmas, I feel like passing out all the time. Every year my family has three Christmases. Now before you jump to any conclusions (HALT YOUR JUMPING PEOPLE!), every year we have Christmas at my house, then we go visit each of my grandmothers (1+1+1=3 YES! I did my math right! See Ryan!) But at each house, we have one huge meal and then lie around the house for the rest of the day. On Christmas Eve, my mother made a huge amount of Sourbraten and Spatzle, and I subsequently ate a huge amount. Then, on Christmas Day, we went to my Oma's house for Rouladin and more Spatzle. SO DELICIOUS. I'm pretty sure that in the last 2 days, I've eaten more meat than the entire rest of the year. (I don't like meat, except for special occasions) AND, we haven't even gone to my other gramma's house yet (tommorrow is the next food-feast). So yes, I is excited.

As a side note, I'm wearing LITERALLY the most comfortable jacket right now. I got it for Christmas and it's sooooo soft on the inside that I haven't taken it off all day. Anyways ... I promise I'll post more as my New Year's Resolution so all you nonexistant readers won't be left out in the cold. (hahaha its funny because it's winter)

I almost forgot! This video I shall post literally makes me laugh every time I watch it. And it fits, because it's Jesus's birthday. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself so I can justify posting this here :P

(they also have a Christmas version but I like this one better)

I'LL BE BACK (hopefully)

Hey Hey Heyyyyyy

Hey world.


I'm kind of sad world. You know why? Because of my music. That's why. (And believe me .... I hate ranting like this but it had to be done.)


I mean, nothing makes a song so much more awesome than when you hear it in the background of a Chevy truck commercial. I base all my music choices off of that. WRONG. NO. STOP. So world, you are no longer allowed to include Freelance Whales, the xx, or The Go! Team in your ads. Those are my things, not yours. AND, if you are going to use my music, make it for good stuff. I really don't want to watch promo's for upcoming awful shows on awful networks using some of my favorite songs as the backgrounds. FOR REALS.

For a recap .... if you do use good music or the music I like, make it a good commercial/a good product. Nothing ruins a song more than forever associating it with a Trucking commercial.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear Youtube...

Hey Youtube?

I know we've had a pretty intense relationship within the last few years. We've spent hours together, and I know, sometimes I'm distracted and only turn to you when I need to procrastinate. But really? What is with you lately? Advertisements? REALLY? All I want is things to go back to the way they were. I don't want to try to listen to a playlist of The Go! Team or Bjork and instead hear something about insurance or Papa John's.

So yeah. I am not happy Youtube. NOT HAPPY. And even though I love you dearly, I may have to separate myself from this whole situation. It will be hard, but I can't take it anymore. If you want to work things out, let me know.


p.s. Who am I kidding. I can't keep my mouse off of you. I need you. Come back. I didn't mean it. We can work on our issues, I promise!

Saturday, December 18, 2010




Can you tell that I'm excited? (If you can't, I am.) I FINALLY finished my Christmas shopping (well, almost finished ... I still have one more week so don't judge me) and today I'm making Christmas cookies. So. Excited.

Anyways, I astually have a funny story to share with y'all. So, I was going to post last night and be all "hey look at me! I'm posting!" but I didn't. And you know why I didn't? You don't? Well I don't either. The last thing I remember from last night is being really tired and sitting in front of the computer. Then, I wake up this morning in my bed, in the same clothes, and really confused. Now before any of you make the jump to me doing any type of drugs/alcohol, don't. Because I wasn't. What I think happened is that I fell asleep and somehow walked myself up to my room.

I know, it sound impossible. But, I've done it before. When I was little, I actually had this bad habit of taking out my retainer while I was sleeping and hiding it in my room WHILE I WAS ASLEEP. Then, the next morning, I would try to find it. This even happened when I got my wisdom teeth out. According to my mother, I not only walked myself to the car from the dentist, but also from the car to my house, and then around my house before I passed out on the couch. I have no memory of these events.

What makes me kinda laugh is that no one in my house noticed someone sleeping walking around. I'd like to imagine that I made some pretty epic zombie noises as I walked but no one will collaberate that story. So sad.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

so .... gosh-darn .... nerdy :)

Yesum, I am posting again :)

So ...... are you ready for a nerdgasim? Well get ready.

Two words -- EDMUND WELLES. They are this amazing bass clarinet quartet that plays hardcore, intense, extremely technical, amazing music. This is just one example of their pure awesome -- Creep by Radiohead, covered by Edmund Welles.

Just to explain. These people have a 5 octave range. You heard right. FIVE FLIPPIN OCTAVES. That isn't even possible. Look it up. I dare you. If you haven't guessed already, I play an instrument. I mean, I may have mentioned it (in my last post) .... but I play my beautiful clarinets, named Lulu and Clarence. And I have three octaves. THREE. THEY HAVE FIVE. I'm pretty sure they are playing higher than I can......

Anyways, I'll stop nerdgasiming for now. But, you (yes, YOU) need to check out Edmund Welles website at Listen to the music they have in the top left hand corner if you are in the mood for awesome.

Oh, and I know that I promised to explain my clarinets but you'll just have to hold your horses and wait until the next time ...

*cliche TV ending, screen fades to black*

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I lurve winter

STOP YELLING AT ME! I know, I literally haven't posted in forever. I am awful.

I promise, I had stuff to do. Like sleeping or eating or .... I don't even know.

So guess what?


(I'm assuming that you guessed. Don't make me a liar.) So, I'll just tell you.... My Christmas lights are already up! I mean, technically, they've been up for a little while, but they are offically up with all the bells and whistles and I've finally had time to inform you, loyal readers, about them. So gosh-darn excited for the holidays! It means cooking and family and friends and parties and just awesome. So yeah, super-excited.

ALSO, other big news .....

High-C plus sherbert equals one delicious smoothie.

No, that wasn't my big news. Now that I think about it, it really isn't that big to you people (it's big to me). So I guess I'll tell you my kinda-big-but-not-really-that-special-now-that-I-think-about-it news. I saw the Homeless Advisor this weekend! (I know, gasp! I thought it was so exciting!) I didn't get to talk to him, but I did see his van. He was pretty gosh darn awesome. If any of you know the story behind this, you'll know what I mean when I say that it was awesome that he was even there. But perhaps I should explain....

No, I wasn't just creeping on a fellow blogger. (Even though I am a creeper, I'm not that intense) I actually performed a lunch he was at. I sang (which in itself should be a crime, I apologize if anyone heard me) and I played my clarinet. I know, the nerdiness is streaming out of me .... but I love her. Her meaning my clarinet, which is named Lulu. Perhaps I shall explain in a later post, but you'll just have to keep your pants on. Wait, that didn't make sense ...... Anyways, check out The Homeless Advisor here, he is a cool cat.

Until I see you again, ta ta for now!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Feeling like a creep. Oh yeah.

Helloooooo out there!

I know, I know, stop yelling at me. I was busy! I promise! So whateves ... time to get onto my ranting :)

SO. Have you ever fallen asleep on the couch? Yes, right?

Now, have you ever fallen asleep on a stranger's couch. Not so many this time.

Finally, have you ever fallen asleep on a stranger's couch, and then wake up to find that person staring at you? Yeah. No one now.

I mean, normal people don't get themselves into this type of a situation, but my awkwardness just seems to permeate everything I do. I mean, come on. Things like this happen to me ALL THE TIME. But the backstory ....

It starts off semi normal. I get called by a new family to come and babysit. I wasn't busy, so I said yes. On the appointed day, I went over to their house and did all the normal meet and greet stuff. The night started off fine. We watched power rangers and read a story. He was in bed by 8:30 pm and I went downstairs to read. After a while I started watching the news ... you know all that stuff. I expected the parents home around 11 ... but soon it was 11:30. Then 11:45. So, I'm sitting there at 11:57 pm and I'm kinda worried. I remember that time exactly because all of a sudden it went from 11:57 to 12:06. Appartnely I passed out sitting up on this couch and when I woke up the mom is looking at me. Just looking. I mean, what would you do if you came home to this person passed out on your couch? It was sooooo awkward. We both kinda just looked at each other and mumbled things about stuff. I don't even remember. What made it worse is that earlier in the night I had said to myself, "It's only down the street. I can walk and be environmentally friendly!"


And that is how I ended up creeping out a poor innocent woman and subsequently looking like a hooker.

Sounds like a good Saturday, right?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Sorry about title (again). Today's actually relates to what I'm talking about soooooo .... there. And guess who is posting AGAIN? (Obviously not this weirdo) FYI - The correct answer was me.

Anyways..... Oh, yeah, GET IN MY BELLY! I feel as though I must explain that. Have any of you (hello out there in wild unknown of cyber space!) ever seen Austin Powers: Goldmember? It's the third movie in the whole Austin Powers trilogy and is THE BEST ONE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. MUST CALM DOWN.

Sorry, spontaneous nerdgasim. But, as you can tell, I freakin love that movie. And the title of this week's post is in homage to one of my very special friends, Fat Basterd.

Okay, he's not my friend, but I like to pretend he is. And yes, I realize that "Fat Basterd" is not an actual person and is played by Mike Myers. But no, Mike Myers is not my friend, Fat Basterd is. As a matter of fact, so is Austin and Dr. Evil. They join my list of other-people-that-I-don't-actually-know-but-I-creep-on-and-love. Other members of this list are Johnny Deep, Martin Van Buren, Bjork, and many more. But I'm trying not to creep you all out too soon.

BUT ... the reason I thought of Goldmember and had a very messy nerdgasim was because of the songs stuck in my head. Not song, I have songS. And as I was listening to these said songs AGAIN, I keep thinking, "Get out of my head!" And naturally, my train of thought went straight to Goldmember.

So I know that you are all hanging on to every word I type because you just must know what is stuck in my head. Don't worry, I won't torture you any longer. They are:

Cameras by Matt And Kim (click here!)
Whip My Hair by Willow Smith (I know ... I feel like such a tweedlebopper ... BUT IT IS STUCK IN MY HEAD. I CAN'T CONTROL IT!) (click here if you dare)
and basically a medley of Freelance Whales songs (click here!)

And as a side note, the link I posted for Freelance Whales is a live preformance. Even though I LOVE their songs, the stuff they do live brings it to a whole 'nother level of awesome/epic/nerdgasim. So do it. Listen.

In case I don't see you, Good Afternoon! Good Evening! And Good Night!

Monday, November 29, 2010

What is that ... thing?

Hallo out there!

Oh yeah, look at me posting three times in three days. Holla! (I realize that I have no right to say that what so ever, don't judge too much) 

So.... An update on ... you guessed it, the hair. (I promised you didn't I?) I have an especially juicy fail-story to share with you all ... So buckle up and get ready to gooooooooooo! 
Sometimes my own nerdiness disgusts me. Thankfully not now. :)

Anyways.... The year was 1688. A desperate power struggle was occuring within the English Parliament regarding .... oh, wait. Wrong story :P

This particular fail came about into the annuals of history (I think I'm allowed to use that phrase?) almost 3 years ago. That summer, I was going to travel with a group to see Switzerland, and me thinking I was being smart said to myself, "HEY! Let's get the hair cut! We'll be prepared!"


My hair was a little past my shoulders at the time, and was not a beast. We had a good relationship. It was give and take, but we listened to each other. How soon that would change. Imagine this imaginary readers ... I walk into Great Clips all happy-go-lucky. I sit down, all excited. I get up to get my haircut, still excited. I tell the woman, "I want about 2 to 3 inches taken off, and could you relayer my hair?"

Simple, right?

Wrong again.

She told me to put my head down so she could "cut" the back. So tra la la, I'm sitting there happily until she moves my head up to cut the front. At the time, I can't see the back of my head, so I'm not flippin yet. YET. She doesn't really take off that much in the front, but I kinda like it. Kinda. How soon that would change. 

To understand the extent of this story, you must know my hair. My hair is in it's own timezone/zipcode/dimension. It does what it wants, when it wants. For example, if it doesn't want to be straigtened with a straightener, it won't. I've learned not to fight it. The weird part about it is that it wasn't this way for the first few years of my life. We were a team. The beast was also straight-slash-wavy. Then, the no-good-awful-horrible-haircut came into being.

Back to this epic. So, I got up to leave from the haircut when I catch a glimpse of my hair. At first, I'm not flippin out that much, because I was like, "I can WORK this."


I did not know that I would come out of that Great Clips changed forever. I went in with calm, wavy hair and I came out with a nightmare. (Even now as I'm posting this, my hair is getting angrier and angrier.) As soon as the monstrosity that was the modified-boy-femover dried, my hair was pissed. And I mean PISSED. It decided, you know what? Let me do the opposite of whatever that girl wants. I mean, she subjected us to ... this ... thing. So BOOM. A curly, afro-like, boy hair cut was born. And when I said it looked bad on me, I'm not kidding. I went back the next day and another hairdresser fixed my hair for free. She took one look at it and was like, "Honey, come here to the back. Let me see what I can do with this ..."

To be fair, that lady fixed it so it was at least presentable (I promise, hair. You looked semi-decent. Now stop gathering rage.). And it would have looked better on someone who had pin-straight thin hair. So basically, it would have looked good on the opposite of me. Now, the beast is in full swing and is a crazy, kinky, everything-I-don't-want-to-happen-on-my-head mess. Hooray.

So the result of this fail? A few hundred pictures of me in Switzerland with the most wacked out haircut I have EVER seen.

And that is my fail story. Kind of anti-climactic, but I know you'll be able to move on with your life. It's not that much of a bigge.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Will I Be Pretty?

I originally posted this a little while ago, but adjusted it because I figured out how to embed the actual video in the post (don't judge me, I'm quite dumb :P ) Enjoy! (again)

This is one of the most powerful messages I've seen lately and is definatly something worth watching (or like me, you could just hit "replay" over and over and over ... but hey, whateva).

I found this on the GoodMom/BadMom Blog.

(watch out for the language -- a bit NSFW)

For the transciption of this click here at Diana's Many Lifetimes.

Click here for GoodMom/Badmom.

OHHH! Look at me posting twice in two days! What up now! :)
(my pretend sass makes me smile)


Dearest invisible readers,

I know. Stop judging me, I know I haven't posted in like two million years, but I've had a lot going on. DAMN YOU LIFE! I also know that you are currently judging me for that title. My only defense is that it is late, and in my mind, it made a lot more sense. I was picturing a race car engine or something reving up? Or maybe a cheer? Like, give me and R! Give me an A! Give me a N! Give me a T! What does that spell? RANT! YAY! But, so I don't get too off topic (and possibly scare away my non-existant readers) I should prolly start this aforementioned rant. And so, I have a few updates:

First off, pulling all-nighters (or almost all-nighters) is not as much fun as you think it is. Trust me.

Numero dos, being short is not fun.

And lastly, I got my hair cut.

I shall start from the beginning and begin from the start.

So, all nighters. THEY SUCK. Even though technically, I got 2 1/2 hours of sleep. It didn't feel like it at all. I was literally so tired that I wasn't tired. Except, when I looked at my own handwriting. Usually my handwriting is kinda loopy and awkward, but when I get tired, it starts to look like a serial killer's notes. I was sitting in class, and I looked down and I was like "CALL THE AUTHORITIES. HIDE YO KIDS. HIDE YO WIFE." Then, someone just apologized for something they did to me that day and I had no idea what they were talking about. Appartnely, I sat there with someone yelling at me and I have no memory of that occurrence. So that lead to an awkward apology. :P

So, on to my next topic in this rant. Being SHORT.

For those of you that don't know, being short sucks. Not even kidding. It's not even the being short that sucks, its the finding clothes for being short. TERRIBLE. You'd think that once in the last 20 years that someone, somewhere would say, "HEY. There is a whole demographic that don't have clothes. Maybe I should fix that." But, NO. No one has ever thought that. FOR REALS.

So, continuing .....
I have finally succeeded in finding pants for my short-ness. It only took 2342134 years, but you know, I've got to start somewhere. It's ....... OLD NAVY! I know, disbelief is setting in, but I love this store. Hmmmm, love is actually a strong term. I like how they make short-people-pants, but I hate how expensive they are. The only time I go in there is when they have a super-duper-uber-epicly-awesome sale. But, the other thing I love is their awesome clearance rack. I have seriously found the most epic stuff there for under $10. Like a super-duper jean jacket. Or a flippin awesome neon shirt. (Basically a lot of neon that normal people say "WTF. Who would wear this?" I am that person.)

But anyways .... MY HAIR.

I got it cut recently, but I don't know if I like it. To tell the truth, I don't know if my hair is happy with it, and since my hair is my hair, I need its input on the overall "I like this" effect. To start off, my hair has a huge personality. (Which is usually a nice way of saying "wow, what a bitch," I know, but trust me. It does.) When it gets angry, you know. Which is why I'm a bit afraid. Whenever I get my hair cut, it usually takes a few days for the fact to sink into my hair and for it to register it's outrage. This was especially true with my disaster-boy-femover-haircut, but I'll leave that for another time. For now, just be satisfied with the fact that somewhere, my hair is silently gathering rage.

Over and out.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rants and Raisins

As a heads up, sorry about the title. I was trying to be clever and tie together baking and my complaining but it didn't work. So, yeah.

Anyways ...

I HATE HATE HATE people who don't carry anything to class. Like WHAT ARE THEY DOING? They don't even carry a single notebook! What?!? WHAT?!? For real! Meanwhile, I'm carrying the contents of my entire house in with me and they have a pencil. A pencil! And sometimes they don't even have a pencil. What were they thinking they would need? Are they going to write in blood? Because thats all I can see that they could use. Another thing that annoys me ... people who forget their backpacks on the bus/class/everywhere. While I understand one time, but ALL THE FREAKING TIME? I mean, you brought it on, don't you think you'll kinda need it? Or that you walked in with it, obviously you need something in there. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

People annoy me.

But, I need to stop ranting. I could go on, but my invisable readers are saying "come ON. We get it. Oh my ..... "

SO, a good thing happened to me today. I tried a Nutella cookie. What?! I know, I just blew your mind. IT WAS SO GOOD. Here is the recipe. So yeah ..... I like to cook, although I am not that good at it. Mostly, I make little things, no real food for me :). BUT .... I have to tell you (hello, anyone out there?) some of the most delicious brownies ever. Are you readyyyyyyy?
Smores Brownies
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
But anyways, I made cornbread the other day. Three different types too. I made cornbread muffins with strawberry jelly filling, cornbread muffins with a honey glaze, and plain cornbread muffins. Can you tell I love cornbread? And even though a CERTAIN person told me that they taste like linoleum (the fact that he knows that taste is a little weird), THEY ARE DELICIOUS. I'm a starch girl. I love me some cookies, but give me some breadsticks any day of the week.  I have to say, I would l kill someone (don't worry, not anyone you know invisible readers) for some good bread or potatoes (involuntary drool, sorry).
But the best unexpected food that I've ever made is Sweet Potato Fries. At first, I was a little grossed out because I am not a sweet potato fan. But you "marinate" the fries in orange juice and ginger and it is DELICIOUS. You can eat them plain, but add a little ketchup and an involuntary foodgasim occurs. TRY IT! (here)
But I am excited for the holidays because I'll have an excuse to cook all my delicious-ness and people won't judge me (at least more than usual). Like a Yule Log, Sourbraten, and Sweet Potatoes. Not that those foods clash or anything. I AM SO EXCITED.

So if you haven't noticed, I love to write in capitals. But just so you invisible readers know, I'm not yelling intensely as I type this. I just wanted you all to know so I don't look like that much of a creep. Sometimes when I read capitals my internal voice yells whatever I'm reading. So that's why whenever I'm yelling, I will tell you, my faithful invisible readers. Or I'll make the font bigger like this.
I'm a Banana! I'm a Banana! I'm a Banana! LOOK AT ME MOVE!
I'm sorry reader(s) .... I had to.

p.s. Anyone who can quote some of my obscure references that I type about (i.e. "I'm a Banana") gets official nerd points. Have fun!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Freewriting + Storytime = AWESOME.

Hello out there?
Hello? Anyone?
So, HA! I managed to post again without a two week span inbetween. I feel so proud of my very small achievement. I also decided to make the blog more sazzy. Whenever someone uses that term, I think of a webpage with jazz hands, dancing in a chorus line, to the song "I Got Rhythm."
Little things make me laugh. :)
Today was pretty gosh-darn epic though. Why? Because I got more than 4 hours of sleep! OH YEAH! Now I feel like the colors are so vivid and clear.
So, if you (and I mean you in the loosest sense of the word, as there is no "you" yet) haven't noticed, I like to freewrite. So whatever I is zinking, I is writing. And so, I was zinking, I must share with you all (which is prolly just me) a few of my fail-stories. I have to say, there are quite a few ....


So, I was an awkward child. And, when I say awkward. I mean people asking, "what is she doing over there?" awkward. For instance, when I was a wee tot, we had some concrete pourers over our house during the summer. And I, thinking I was soooooo smart decided to cover myself in mud, because that is how people keep cool (I know, what was I thinking?). Imagine the poor concrete people's surprise when they show up at this normal looking house, dealing with normal looking adults, to see a small child running around covered in mud, screaming in the backyard.

I'm surprised they didn't leave then.

What makes this worse is that, sadly, that was not the only time I did that. I also discovered as a child that pink chalk does not come off as easily as you would think when you cover your entire body with it. I also learned that other people find it strange when you ride down the street on a children's toy singing at the top of your lungs. Even more so when you are in 8th grade.

So yes, I was an awkward child.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello all you "readers"

So, I've been meaning to start this blog for a while, but I never got around to it. Now, however, I have ample time for procrastination so .... its blog time! I know that I'll intially have a readership of about 1 1/2 (the one being me, and the half being me pretending not to be me) ... so hello out there! (I can imagine a single person reading through this post quickly waving at the screen and going, "What the hell?" Thank you!) So anyways, about me:

I am a magical being from the land of Waasdifuadsflkdsjldsa. (the Waasdifuadsflkdsjldsa is silent)
I am older than time.
I am nerdier than prolly most people you know, and have nerdgasims often.
I cannot spell. Certain words I do not attempt to spell, so you all can quietly judge me from the safety of your computers.

So yeah, I will add to this list when I have time. Hopefully I will start posting at least once a week, but I hope to make it three times a week.

Oh, and I like purple. :)